Order Solar Energy with Your Neighbors and Save Together

Are you considering installing solar energy on your roof? Imagine making it not only eco-friendly but also cost-effective by teaming up with your neighbors! Our innovative "Solar Neighbors Collective" program empowers you to do just that. Here's why ordering solar energy with your neighbors is not only a greener choice but can also make your installation 5% to 12% cheaper, depending on the number of participants.
Order Solar Energy with Your Neighbors
solpaneler med dina grannar
Step 1.

Gather Your Neighbors & Contact Us

Reach out to your neighbors and see who's interested in going solar. The more participants, the greater the savings!
‍Get in touch with our Solar Neighbors Collective program. We'll guide you through the process, assess your collective needs, and provide a customized solar solution.

Neighbors Power - Wats Solar

solpaneler paketsolpaneler Kundsolpaneler Kund
+3 Intrested Neighors
Order collectively
Want to have face to face meeting
Looking for PV system with Batteries and EV charger
Installation Date
Get collective offer
Step 2.

Collective Design & Bulk Purchasing

Our experts will design a solar system tailored to your group's requirements, ensuring maximum energy generation and cost-efficiency.
‍We negotiate the best prices for solar panels, inverters, and installation services, passing on the savings to you.
solcell med din grannar
Step 3.

Installation & Start Saving

Installation: Our skilled technicians install the solar panels on each participating home efficiently and professionally.Start Saving: Once the system is up and running, you'll start enjoying the benefits of clean, affordable solar energy.
solcell pris

Ready to harness the power of community for affordable solar energy?

Contact us today to get started and experience the benefits of a more sustainable and cost-effective future together.
Order Solar with Your Neighbor
5% to 12%
*Make your installation 5% to 12% cheaper, depending on the number of participants.
solcell design


What is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is power obtained from the sun's radiation. It's harnessed using solar panels, which convert sunlight into electricity.

How Do Solar Panels Work?

Solar panels contain photovoltaic cells that capture sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity.

What Are the Benefits of Solar Energy?

Solar energy is renewable, reduces electricity bills, lowers carbon footprint, and offers energy independence.

How Much Can I Save with Solar Panels?

Savings depend on factors like location, system size, and energy usage. On average, homeowners save 50-70% on energy bills.

What Types of Solar Panels Are Available?

Common types include monocrystalline, polycrystalline, andthin-film solar panels, each with unique features and efficiency levels.

How Long Do Solar Panels Last?

Solar panels typically last 25-30 years, but their efficiency may decline slightly over time.

Is My Location Suitable for Solar Panels?

Most regions receive enough sunlight for solar panels. Aprofessional assessment can determine your site's suitability.

What's the ROI on Solar Investments?

ROI varies but often ranges from 4-8 years, depending on factors such as location and incentives.

What Maintenance Do Solar Panels Require?

Solar panels arelow-maintenance, typically requiring occasional cleaning and inspections.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to our friendly support team.
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